Flu Season and COVID-19 Thoughts

During the winter 'flu/virus period - Coronavirus COVID-19 or otherwise - try and follow the practices listed
Follow NHS Advice
  • Self Distancing - keep 2m away from everyone where possible
  • Washing you hands regularly, with soap and water for 20secs especially when coming in from outside the house
  • Cough into a tissue and throw away or into the elbow of your sleeve, wash your jumpers/tops regularly
  • Wash all surfaces down regularly
  • Self isolate if you develop symptoms - a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
  • if you live on your own inform a family member/friend that you are self isolating
  • Be aware of your neighbours and family and check if they need anything leaving at their door

Most importantly try and support your immune system by eating well and the right foods for your own digestive system (If you want help and guidance with this please email me for an appointment hlcnallery@gmail.com):

  • Try and find activities during the day to relax be it listening to music or chatting on the phone to a friend or family member
  • Eat as well as you can, plenty of fruit and vegetables
  • Try and laugh at least once a day
  • Drink plenty of fluids to keep your body hydrated

All of these guidelines are relevant for Flu or Covid