Allergy Therapy with Nutritional Balancing

Following an elimination diet to find the best foods for you and minimise the effects of food intolerances on your digestive and immune systems is a complex process.

I provide food intolerance and Environmental Allergy Testing Using Muscle Testing to diagnose the 'worst offenders' which can help to simplify this process and with support you learn to make changes in lifestyle and diet to heal your body and help you feel well again.

Heather offers full support via email during this process of change.

Available Clinic Appointments Times Between 10am and 4pm on Ad-Hoc Saturdays At Caerleon Natural Health Clinic
Remote Skype Appointments

appts can be made by:-

tel: 07702 119182 (please leave a message)

Heather Celaschi, MSc (Science), BSc (Life Sciences), Dip AT, MRAT
'Healing your body Together'

Heather Celaschi

Uses kinesiology to test for food intolerances and environmental allergies, and supports you to make lifestyle changes to strengthen your immune system and achieve homeostasis.